RE: Calendar markup - review please?


Please read the subject of my post. I'm asking about a *calendar*. I'm 
asking for a *review*.

At 14:43 2004-10-28, John M Slatin wrote:

>There are examples of markup for simple and complex data tables at
> Each
>"how-to" page includes a working example, a link to the source code, an
>audio recording of JAWS reading the example,

In which mode? (It doesn't say.)

And I see no entry about "calendar" - only yet another "complicated data 
table" (which actually isn't all that complicated at all - and certainly 
simpler than my calendar implementation).

>  and a text transcript of
>what JAWS says. There's also a link to the relevant WCAG 1.0 and Section
>508 requirements.

I repeat: I have read _all_ of the relevant standards. Many, many times.

>Hope this is helpful.

Sorry, but I'm not looking for suggestions for "how to do table markup".

I've applied all the suggestions I can think of that are *relevant* in 
*this particular case*.

- this is not just a table, it's a *data* table (structure matter)
- it's not just a data table, it's a *calendar* (semantics matter)
- it's not just a calendar but one that is used *for navigation* (usability 

So I'm not asking for yet more ideas about how to mark up tables, or data 
tables, or "complicated" data tables.

What I'm looking for is a *review* of *what I've done* and how well that 
works.  In practice. Using your own user agent, AT, modes, options - to 
actually *use* that calendar. To actually *use it for navigating* the site.

I'm not looking for theory. I know all of the theory. I've applied all of 
the theory as best I could.

So: how did I do?


Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 13:10:25 UTC