Re: Breadcrumbs

Phill Jenkins wrote:

> Let face it, what we really need is a "breadcrumb" XHTML tag to get the 
> proper semantics,  Breadcrumbs are not simple or order lists, they are 
> not headings, or any existing HTML semantic tag.  They are a hierarchal 
> list of link representing a path through a Web site

The <nl> element in XHTML 2 should do just that[1], though of course 
that's years away.

As for how to mark it up in XHTML 1.x and earlier, I would say that, if 
you're going for hierarchy, you should be doing it as an unordered list. 
Note that breadcrumbs are single nodes linked to the 2 to 3 direct 
ancestors: there is never more than one node to each level. In this 
situation, ordered lists are irrelevant, since they are intended to mark 
  up the order between siblings, not between parent and child. An 
unordered list would be sufficient to call out that hierarchy.

Generally speaking, though, there isn't much benefit in my mind to 
marking things up as a list over the way most people do it now. I don't 
imagine there's any process optimization for ATs by doing it that way, 



Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2004 17:41:19 UTC