RE: WAI Checkpoint 7.5: Re-directs

Quoting "" <>:

> >>>but the server must return a 403 or 404 status for the broken URL,
> Some reason the server cannot return a page with page not found information?

A good 404 page has that information. A great 404 page helps you find a relevant
page to whatever you were looking for when you followed the dead link. 

A 200 page that says "page not found" is a lie.

410 is good too; indeed even better in those cases where it is applicable.

> >>>Returning anything except an error response breaks link checking
> software.
> What does link checking software have to do with user accessibility?

I always thought "gets the basic functionality half-way right" was a
prerequesite for accessibility.
Also, ideally a site should be accessible to users that include automated

Jon Hanna
*Thought provoking quote goes here*

Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 08:26:38 UTC