RE: alt text & punctuation - best practice?

> My 2 cents... for consistency sake, there should always be a full-stop.

If this were 1857, sure.

> Readers cannot distinguish the difference between a single keyword and a
> sentence: if we have several keywords, the reader interprets them as words
> that make up a sentence.

"Several keywords" should be an ordered or unordered list.

> Until such times as all screen readers are intelligent enough to pause
> after a heading, it is kind - and surely best practice -- to punctuate
> headings, to stop them running confusingly into the following text.

We're not doing until-user-agents guidelines anymore. User agents have had
a lot of "until" to get their act together. And we're not about to rewrite
the rules of the English language (for example) just because somebody's
screen reader yammers in a certain way.

Of course, I'm the type of guy who finds errors in _Eats, Shoots & 
Leaves_, so maybe I'm just more interested in this than most.


    Joe Clark |
    Accessibility <>
    Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Monday, 21 June 2004 21:40:38 UTC