The Age (AU) Technology Not Supporting Old Browsers

It seems just this morning The Age started doing this.  You get referred to
page below if using an old browser (in my case mozilla 1.6).  I see so many
scripts misidentify current browsers.  It makes the site look foolish (and
misleads users).

This statement on any articles page under technology

"Note: You are reading this message either because you can not see our css
files, or because you do not have a standards-compliant browser. Read our
browser standards page for details."

Then go to

An important announcement from the f2 network

You appear to be using an older browser. From early 2004, f2 network sites
will no longer offer support for browsers earlier than Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5, or Netscape Navigator 6. We are making this change in order to
enhance the functionality of our sites to bring our users a better internet
experience. While many sections of the sites will still be viewable in older
browsers, the full experience will not be possible. A text-only version of
both and is always available.

If you wish to upgrade your browser, a new version can be obtained for free
from the following sources:

IMHO, I thought they were more aware and savvy than this.


Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 19:23:32 UTC