Re: user stats

On 19 Aug, Ben Gilmore wrote:
> Does any one have any stats on the percentage of users that surf with
> Javascript  turned off or know where I can find said info?
> Same for people not using flash...

  You could visit my pet-hate site:

  and, whilst accepting the unreliability of these numbers, note that
  13% of users in May had Javascript unavailable or turned off. This is
  actually up from 6% in February ... roughly 4,954,765 "visitors" in
  May, in other words.

  Alternatively, you could see my reply to Mr. Clark of this
  mailing-list and read why such numbers are not really very interesting
  in terms of accessibility.

  Hope this helps!
 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2003 07:50:37 UTC