Re: SVG (was RE: webbyaward?)

For authoring I tend to use Amaya - it has basic functionality only,  
but that generally meets my needs.

I have also played with SodiPodi and enjoyed it (running on OS X, but  
it is available primarily for Linux and perhaps even for Windows). I  
know other people have recommended Corel Draw, and Illustrator and the  
newest version of Visio can also produce it, although I have heard  
(unreliable sources) that the code they produce isn't too impressive.



On Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003, at 20:37 Japan, P.H.Lauke wrote:

> And to veer off topic slightly: part of Microsoft's "flash killer"
> "Sparkle" will be MVG.
> < 
> wvg1.aspx>
> As with XAML, it's "nice" to see MS just picking the best bits from
> XML based developments and rolling their own slightly incompatible
> versions...


> Getting back to SVG: are there any decent authoring tools available
> for it ? As with things like SMIL, I think the potential is definitely
> there, but the tools need to be up to scratch (as I don't fancy
> writing my own stuff in Notepad, if I can avoid it).
Charles McCathieNevile                          Fundación Sidar                      

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2003 11:04:27 UTC