FW: "Special message to website creators"


>> Any thoughts, on how to have a happy balance between the two?

>  Yes. Avoid target; avoid Javascript. Let the user choose. Less code,
>  less complications, more choice and everyone is happy.

To me, your solution is not a happy balance.  To make a bold statement that,
"everyone is happy, seems to reflect on the disregard of, at minimum, some
site owners who might "not" be happy.  I understand that many people say the
designer/site owner *shouldn't* take control, however minimal, but there are
situations where I believe it's important to keep the visitor aware of the
site after exit to other links that have been provided by the site owner.
Mentioning that "Most modern graphical UAs... have the ability of either
opening a link in a new window, or opening it in the present one." to me is
an obvious remark.

I really don't want to argue who "shouldn't and should" have control; I have
heard and understood that argument for years.  Forcing it down anyone's
throat isn't going to make things better.  What will make things better, in
my not-so-humble opinion, is someone who has a strong curiosity and interest
in trying to make "everyone happy" - which is one of those possibly
impossible things to do. To this thought, I'm thinking of a browser function
which somehow prominently points to the last site or page visited before the


Received on Sunday, 16 November 2003 14:23:12 UTC