Re: 2 things at once

You could use popups for this, although they are annoying, and if 
people are going to be confused by getting several windows at once it 
is worth thinking some more about a better way.

You could split the screen using frames, or interleave the steps from 
each process into a single story about what to do. There may be other 




On Wednesday, Feb 26, 2003, at 08:57 Australia/Melbourne, Jonathan 
Chetwynd wrote:

> Jon,
> Is there a way to follow 2 threads using HTML* without using a pop up?
> It seems to me there is not, and this might be a problem. Many 
> interests involve activities that occur concurrently, cookery being 
> one.
> mash potato is normally made whilst the mince is being prepared. Cooks 
> flick between the two recipes.
> Given that our resources are full page photos of each step, and run to 
> about 10-15 pages per recipe: the back button is not useful,
Charles McCathieNevile 
Fundación SIDAR             

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 08:12:35 UTC