Re: Browser Issues

> >The honest answer is "The requirement to be able to run without
> >JavaScript is outdated and has been superseded by the simple fact

>No it is not.  Many people still consider it a serious security problem.

Fine, but JavaScript is not a pure accessibility problem.  Because it could
be considered a security problem, or a financial problem to upgrade to get
the support, or a time problem to take the time to upgrade, or platform
problem, or whatever, does not automatically make it an accessibility
problem.  True that all these needs need to be considered, including
availability in national languages, but lets try to avoid lumping them
together or mislabeling it as a <quote> accessibility <end quote> problem.
Scripting can actually be a benefit to accessibility.  For example when
trying to implement time sensitive response guidelines by allowing the
client to request more time to complete an item without having to sent in
the incomplete form.


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2002 07:54:25 UTC