Re: Left handedness and stylus input (tabletPC, palm, etc)

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 wrote:

>Gathering the requirements for left and right handedness might be a useful exercise
>- is there a list or can others contribute to the list and can a set of use-cases
>capture this info?

Well, I wrote one - having to cover what is being srolled in order to scroll
it is a problem. Anyone can respond to this and add thoughts, although
keeping the thing neatly formatted might be kind. I don't see enough
information yet to require a formal process, and don't think this is critical
enough that i will devote resources to it for the moment. If someone is
interested in doing that, I'd love to know.

>I suspect this will not only be a problem in the case of left-handed vs right-handed
>people - it also occurs in some circumstances - eg when the other hand is occupied
>(eg when I talk on the phone while using the computer I become one-handed).

Well, there are various permutations of left-handed, and various reasons
(when I was a kid they usually had to do with broken arms after playground
accidents - now they tend to be overuse injuries) why people change from one
to the other. I thnk what is also intersting is other problems in the same
class - using a headwand / mouthstick or similar device.



Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 12:27:50 UTC