screenreaders, sld and sound on mouseover

I've had a small thought about why screen readers are no use to our 
it requires work*:

blind people can't see the distance, and so hear things sequentially, 
and remember these temporal sequences.
SLD people can recognise some spatial relationships, but frequently 
have problems with temporal ones.

in some ways this explains why sound onmouseover is essential, but very 
different from a screenreader.

icab reads a few of the peepo pages very nicely, however, the user has 
no transparent means to relate each sound to a link, to repeat, for 
confirmation, etc
this and much more is provided by sound onmouseover



*(sent as a private mail to Chaals, please respect, as I do not mean to 
make any generalisations, rather point up a need that is not being met, 
but is do-able)

Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 10:49:16 UTC