Re: Media - Suit Over Airlines' Web Sites Tests Bounds of ADA

> eliminate the disabled user from the equation, and to focus on the user with
> the alternate browser.  When you're talking about marketing and profit

Most marketing people would consider Netscape 4.7+ or Netscape 6.1+
to be the alternate browser and IE 5.5+ the primary market.

> generation, management tends to see those using a cell phone to access the
> Web in a more positive light.  While this is highly discriminatory, it is
> simply the facts of life.

Sites that target cell phones will almost certainly do so with an
alternative site.

> and it makes logical sense, then I can be pretty safe in knowing that my
> site will work for most users, if not all.  And if I might still have some

The problem here is what do you mean by work.  As others have pointed out,
the main purpose of most web sites is to instill an emotional state in
people with disposable incomes that will encourage them to give them your
money with minimum costs on your side.  (In the past, I've pointed out
that a markup language that accurately communicated the sub-text of 
a commercial web site would be a total failure, and probably a legal
nightmare for any author using it.)

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 17:04:19 UTC