January 2002 Accessible Web Design Course


The next session of the HWG/IWA online course in Accessible
Web Design begins January 7, 2002.  The seven-week course
is taught via the web and tuition is $80, or $50 for HWG
full members.  Space is limited, so be sure to sign up now to
reserve your place in the class.

HWG Course D201:  Accessible Web Design
Start Date:  January 7, 2002 (7 weeks)

      The HWG's web accessibility course features information
      on Section 508 requirements, access devices, the W3C's
      Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and more!  This
      introductory course will change the way you think about the
      Web, and ensure that as broad an audience as possible can use
      the sites you create, regardless of disability, browser type,
      or access method.

      For more information, please see the D201 course information
      site at:



      The schedule of topics for this course is as follows:

      Week 1: An Introduction to Web Accessibility
      Week 2: Removing Accessibility Barriers
      Week 3: Browsers and Assistive Technology
      Week 4: Removing More Accessibility Barriers
      Week 5: Nonstandard Access Devices
      Week 6: Software for Accessible Design
      Week 7: Setting A Web Accessibility Standard

      Primary reading material is from Mike Paciello's book WEB
      Accessibility for People with Disabilities, with additional
      selected reading from the web.  The complete syllabus is
      available at:



      Here's what some past students of the course are saying
      about D201: Accessible Web Design:

      "I have no problem praising HWG's Accessible Web Design course.
      The course was thorough and enlightening.  I commented on the
      class with a friend who had taken another accessible design
      course and he was impressed by the level of this course.
      Apparently the course that he had taken did not possess the
      depth of discussion on accessibility issues nor the practical
      implementation of techniques that this course did. Consequently,
      he bought Paciello's book and is planning to enroll in a future
      session of this course." --Clay Berglund

      "Before I took this course, accessible web design was a confusing
      mishmash of federal guidelines and recommendations. Now I'm
      coding sites that meet guidelines..." --Gillian Murrey

      "This course was a great enrichment to my knowledge about Web
      accessibility, because it forced me to put my hands on existing
      tools rather than just read about them or discuss them verbally."
      --Gottfried E. Zimmermann

      "Kynn and Liz provided resources and food for thought which,
      along with the inputs of my classmates, helped me formulate a
      draft policy for web accessibility at LCC and an 'attack plan'
      to make existing sites more accessible." --Anita F. Lees

      You can read more about what previous students thought by going


      Or sample the course for yourself -- an entire week of lessons is
      available online, free of charge, at:



      Enrollment is limited, so be sure to sign up now to ensure a
      place in the course.  The cost of the course is $50 for
      Full members of the HTML Writers Guild, and $80 for Trial
      membership.  Trial membership is free, and Full membership dues
      are $49 per year, or half that for students, educators, or members
      with disabilities.

      To reserve your place in the class, go to:


This announcement can be freely forwarded to any apppropriate mailing
lists or web forums.  Questions regarding the course can be directed to
Kynn Bartlett at <kynn-d201@kynn.com>, and you may also want to check
the Frequently Asked Questions at http://access.idyllmtn.com/d201/ for
more information.

Kynn Bartlett <kynn@idyllmtn.com>

Received on Friday, 28 December 2001 14:15:47 UTC