Re: Some questions from CHI-WEB people


The learning and understanding of the guidelines is still fairly steep.
For example, what does linearization mean and how does a web page
developer learn how something will be linearized?  How much time is
needed to learn the difference between theoretical CSS and what the
results actually look like for the various browsers?

Implementation of the guidelines often means spending time resolving
conflicts betweens access and other requirements for the web page.  For
example, having an image map followed by a list of the links referred to
in the image map often results in a visual presentation which can be not
as appealing.  Resolving conflicts can just take up a lot of time.

One of the benfits of a mutiple version approach is that it can reduce
the number of conflicts that need to be resolved when one version is used.
In general, it is much faster to use tables for visual layout than
to use CSS.  If one version of the web page presents the information
in a very beautiful layout and another version of the web page presents
the information in a more linear format, some of the conflicts are avoided
and there can be a possible increase in efficiency.


> but if we've gotten past all the learning, how much extra effort is
> required if all the players are on the same team in that the goal is
> accessible and attractive?

Received on Monday, 24 December 2001 13:08:37 UTC