Re: metadata

You pretty much have to get involved in the process by which this is
It hasn't been reduced to cut and dried handbook stuff yet.

The current generations of WAI draft guidelines say "use it."

The EARL development in the Evaluation and Repair group is working on one way
to share such information.

In terms of a concrete proposal for an access-related vocabulary in which to
say things, I would give the lead to the IMS Project as who will probably have
a proposal on the table first.

If your friend has any willingness to _do something_ about this beyond a "just
tell me what I have to do" approach and can't figure out what to do next,
please have them get in touch with me.


At 06:19 AM 2001-06-15 , wrote:
>A colleague of mine has asked if there is any information on metadata and
>accessibility.  I've not really come across anything about this - can anyone
>Thanks very much
>Kirsty Baker
>Open University Library

Received on Friday, 15 June 2001 12:22:30 UTC