RE: Tool Tip behavior

At 07:11 AM 2/24/2000 , Leonard R. Kasday wrote:
>My understanding is that Title is what's supposed to pop up for sighted folks.  Therefore it should add to--not be redundant to the image.

Let's not think of it that way.  For starters, let's not say "this is
for <people with particular abilities or disabilities>."

Also, TITLE is not meant as a "pop-up" any more than it's meant as
a label to be read by a screenreader.  In truth, it's just a way to
add meta-information called "title" to an element.

>For example, if there's a "contact us" button, it would be silly to redundantly pop up "contact us" for a sighted person.  It's more reasonable to pop up something that adds to what they are already reading, e.g.  "and we'll listen".

That's reasonable -- if you assume it's a pop-up.  However, to
title a button "and we'll listen" is to ignore the purpose of the
TITLE element, which is provide -- ta da -- a "title."

Proper titling should be done despite whatever the user agents
decide to do.  If there needs to be a specific TOOLTIP attribute,
that might be the best approach for certain user agents, using
extensible additions to XHTML.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Friday, 25 February 2000 16:01:19 UTC