The world's first HTML 4.0 compliant browser?

I just upgraded to MSIE 5 for the Mac (at home).  First GUI browser I have used
that renders <Q> ... </Q> at all.  It uses neutral quote marks though!  (Blah,
yeech!)  Guess I will keep using &#147; and &#148; for the near term!  I have not
yet given Opera nor iCab a chance.  Do either of them handle the Q tag?

Doesn't look like IE 5 for the Mac does anything with LONGDESC.  ABBR and ACRONYM
are supported via tool-tip pop-ups.  TITLE also shows for mouse-overs, but not
ALT (which may be a good thing).

Is there such a thing as an HTML 4.01 "test suite"?
Anyone have some URLs for other tests I can throw at this browser?

I took a fairly casual glance at the W3C CSS "test suite" at URL: and more specifically URL:
which implies that CSS1 is supported, but CSS2 is not.  I don't know which are
the more troublesome portions of CSS1.

Bruce Bailey

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2000 22:02:53 UTC