Re: [Fwd: Guidelines for making web notes accessible]

>>> <> 08/31 4:25 PM >>>
Powerpoint is a popular package for lecture notes.  It exports to HTML, but
there are problems.

1. The default output is just one big image per slide with no alt text,
completely unreadable.

2. There is a text version of the page, but

   It only shows text of original, no images, no ALT text 

   Text that isn't part of the outline view shows up in scrambled order.
You can get around this if

a. All text is in the outline
b. All info in the images are part of the outline.  One trick is to have
the text equivalent in the outline and then put the image on top of it so
it's hidden in the graphic view.

You could also edit the text result by hand, but remember that you have to
re-edit the text view every time you change the pictorial view or it will
overwrite everything you've done. So this isn't really very practical.

I use PowerPoint's Notes feature. When you Export as HTML, the full text of the Notes appear below the graphic image of the slide, as well as on the text-only page. You don't have to play tricks with "hiding" text in the Outline. This doesn't correct the lack of ALT text, but at least you can have a full "text-equivalent" right on the same page. You can see an example of this, a presentation I gave at a conference two years ago (Warning: Disturbing subject matter.), on my old personal Web site at <>.

I agree with the other problems you described. I'm hoping the new release in Office 2000 will correct these problems.

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 1999 11:36:23 UTC