Re: W3C CSS Validator


>   Has anyone worked with the W3C CSS Validator much?  I ran our code through and came up with so many "You have no background-color with your color".  I thought this did not need to be specified?  Pls remember, I am new to this validator, CSS and still learning it.
>   Here is the results of the first pass.
>   Line : 18 Level : 1 You have no background-color with your color : A:link
>   Line : 20 Level : 1 You have no background-color with your color : A:visited
>   Line : 22 Level : 1 You have no background-color with your color : A:active

IIRC, this is only a warning, indicating that you have specified a text
colour without specifying a background colour. This is to remind you
that not everyone uses the default background colours and that your
elements may not be visible to some browsers. Make sure you specify a
contrasting background colour.



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