Re: html to word to html question?

> I could test this on my system if you can confirm the scenario:
> - Start with an HTML document, created by any means.
> - The doc contains an <IMG> with the ALT= attribute.
> - The HTML doc is opened in Word and some text on the page is changed or added.
> - The page is "Saved as HTML" from Word, without first saving it in Word format.

I tried that with Word 97 and there was no lost of ALT.

I even tried saving the file as .doc format, copying it under a
different name.doc, reopening it in Word and saving it in HTML, and
the ALT were still present (which proves that the ALT are somehow
stored in the doc format)

On the other hand, there was a lost of longdesc, link, and others
new HTML4 table attributes; in fact, in looks like unknown attributes
are pruned out, which shouldn't happen (unknown elements are kept,
albeit mess up with, see below)

The DOCTYPE and the STYLE I had in this test file were moved from the
top and the head to the body, which is really bad.
Anyway, join the WAI Authoring Tools working group if you're
interested in that kind of issue.

> PS: *Why* would you use Word to edit an HTML document?!

Because you use Windows ? (I use Unix)

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 1998 07:56:53 UTC