Re: This topic keeps coming up

At 01:39 p.m. 12/01/98, Jessica Chaiken quotes someone else:
>Quote of the Week: I call it a monopoly
>"Why should anyone have to write for the
>tech-disadvantaged ones out there? What if I decide to
>write a site that is spectacular with one or more features
>that won't work on certain browsers or platforms? Why
>should I have to take my valuable time to write something
>boring for those that won't go with the flow?"
>Why indeed.

The best answer is "because you're not a fool and a moron".

But that's neither polite nor persuasive, so I shouldn't answer
that way. :)  A better answer is that by designing for universal
accessibility, you produce a page that can be used by anyone
or anything, now and in the future, and can still include
whatever extras you want.  (It's a myth that universal web
design means "don't use advanced stuff.")

I also wonder if these people actually _are_ designing for the
front of the curve -- are they using CSS2 and HTML 4?  Why not?
That's always a fun argument to throw at them.  "Okay, if you
think you should only be supporting the most advanced technology
and ignoring older browsers that can't handle it, where is your
CSS positioning?  Where are your other CSS2 effects?"

In the long run, the fellow above is simply displaying how
short-sighted he is; the focus on the "here" and "now" is really
a form of elitism.  He can't see beyond what HE uses, and thus
assumes anyone who hasn't caught up with a web professional is
a lazy, falling-behind user.  Absurd!

(I use he as a generic, not because I have any clue as to the
original author's gender.)

Kynn Bartlett  <>   
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton, California
Enroll now for web accessibility with HTML 4.0!
The voice of the future?

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 1998 13:45:46 UTC