webwatch-l Washington Post editorial: Claims Against Common

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To: webwatch-l@smtp.teleport.com
From: Anne Pemberton <apembert@crosslink.net>
Subject: Re: webwatch-l Washington Post editoral: Claims Against Common
Cc: drz@rdz.acor.org


 Like it or not, as a webmaster of several small pieces of the WWW, I have
also gotten the same impression that Visually Impaired/Blind folks feel
they are the pigs among the equals (Animal Farm etal) based on posts
received from my subscription to webwatch-l.

 This, despite the useful posts I've received from Al Gilman on the needs
of the mentally disabled folks who are barely, if yet, able to use the
technology at all.... Those who whine about the loss of "time" when they
are online, should consider the fact that those who depend on graphics and
"aesthetics" and "formatting" and "tables" are only now able to access the
web. How ironic that some are complaining about the very things that bring
new groups of disabled online.....


At 01:01 PM 11/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how to reach Mr. Raspberry?  This article is absurd!  And,
>I resent the fact that many readers of the Post will now have the false
>impression that this request is unreasonable and would make web page
>developers "go back to text based presentation.".
>Lila Laux
Anne L. Pemberton
Curator, Academy One on Virginia's PEN
Associate, Technology Plus

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 06:04:43 UTC