Re: Your Opinion Requested

Several comments in no special order:

Unless you have a commitment to do an awful lot of work you will find
that maintaining three sets of pages is too difficult. I notice that at
the moment the three are very different - I struggled to find much
consistency between versions. I would suggest producing one version, and 
using a search and replace to change the FONT or apply a different Style 
sheet (or both) in order to provide a version for ordinary type as well 
as one with large font, high contrast. (Alternatively, some help for 
users on how to specify their own fonts would obviate even that 
requirement.) Consistency is particularly important for users who are 
making use of a range of technologies (for example screenreader at work, 
high contrast/large print at home, magnified version (eg Opera) at the 

The Screenreader version has no meaningful markup - this makes it a very 
poor cousin to the other versions. A screenreader would be better off 
using a properly marked up, accessible version of the framed version, 
This effectively requires a sensible use of NOFRAMES in the Frameset 
page, and links on each page (which are there anyway)

In a high-contrast large print version it would have made more sense to 
enlarge the images.

These are my first impressions, and it seems to me that all of these are 
reasonably important problems which can be relatively simply solved at 
this stage.


Charles McCathieNevile

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Isaac Kute wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I'm carrying out some research on the Royal London Society for the Blind
> web site, with the view of suggesting improvements to its current format
> and accessibility.
> I would appreciate if participants would take a few moments to browse the
> site and provide feedback on its current format and accessibility. 
> Suggestions, comments and constructive critisism will be greatly
> appreciated.
> You can also forward the comments directly to me using the return path to
> this message.
> The address is:
> Thank you for your time.
> Isaac Kute
> Adaptive Technology Centre
> Dorton College of Further Education

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 1998 03:25:54 UTC