Re: Lynx and frames (gossip)

At 03:40 p.m. 08/13/98 -0400, Al Gilman wrote:
>I found it interesting that the "buzz" among the professional web
>designers in the audience at Rob Neff's seminar was clear and
>unambiguous, at least to my eavesdropping ears.  
>  Frames are an unmitigated disaster, to be avoided like the
>  plague.
>  Clients think they are cool.
>  They are hard to make work right across different browsers.
>  They are hard to maintain.
>  Just not worth the trouble.

I concur with Al's gossip -- it's rare to see a set of frames
done "right", and usually requires either complex code or
double the work in order to maintain the pages correctly.

I don't make frames on client sites if I can avoid it.

Kynn Bartlett <>
Vice President, Marketing and Outreach, HTML Writers Guild

Received on Friday, 14 August 1998 12:23:10 UTC