RE: Lynx and frames (gossip)

Even though I designed for an Intranet, I would not do so again!  Why?
1. Spent more time explaining and "hand-holding" and this was not projected 
in to my timeline!
2. Maintenance is a nightmare!  If you haven't documented the process and 
you lose a coder, then the new person will take more time to get up to 
3. Monitors handle this differently.  What happens if the monitor is 
smaller than the laptop you tested on....  Most people do not test their 
frame design on large and small screens, pc and laptops and with large 
4. Most designers do not test these on audiences and forget to make the 
frame autoscroll.
5. Bookmarking pages or resources is not easy.  Every page is an index 
6. Printing the entire window in non existent in older browsers.
7. I like the print option in Netscape and MSIE 4.
8. I cant see the source code in each frame.

I am sure jamie will be adding his two cents here shortly!

-----Original Message-----
From:	Al Gilman []
Sent:	Thursday, August 13, 1998 3:40 PM
Subject:	Re: Lynx and frames (gossip)

Caveat 1: This actually has nothing to do with Lynx, just frames.

Caveat 2: This is gossip or hearsay.  Not science and not based
on my own experience.

Caveat 3: The sample here is a very narrow slice of the industry,
contract web designers working in the DC area market which is
dominated by the Federal Government.


I found it interesting that the "buzz" among the professional web
designers in the audience at Rob Neff's seminar was clear and
unambiguous, at least to my eavesdropping ears.

  Frames are an unmitigated disaster, to be avoided like the

  Clients think they are cool.

  They are hard to make work right across different browsers.

  They are hard to maintain.

  Just not worth the trouble.


Received on Thursday, 13 August 1998 15:58:30 UTC