Re: FORM, text input, Enter and Submit...

in the previous message on this topic, it was rightly stated that some
confusion could and does indeed arrise when the enter key is mistakenly
pressed prematurely.  Perhaps a setting and or a hot key to take one to
the submit button automatically is in order here.  the setting would allow
you to toggle the effect of the enter key on forms.

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Claus Thoegersen wrote:

> Hi,
> The possibility of submitting a form by pressing enter even though
> the focus is not on the submit button, is very important. By behaving
> this way IE4 saves keyboard users a lot of keystrokes in big forms
> lets say with 8 controls. The first control is the important edit
> field and the following 6 controls are of less importance. Because IE
> let's you submit the form when the first field is filled in you as a
> keyboard user does not have to use the tab key 6 times to get to the
> submit button. The only other way to accomplish this is to use
> accesskeys in forms, and then the user has to know wich keys are
> assigned to the controls.
> Regards
> Claus Thøgersen

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Received on Monday, 22 June 1998 09:10:35 UTC