WAI Interest Group Update, May 28, 1998

WAI Interest Group Update, May 28, 1998

This is an occasional update on Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
activities, for participants of the WAI Interest Group mailing list.  For
more general information about WAI please visit http://www.w3.org/WAI .
Questions or comments to jbrewer@w3.org rather than to entire list - thanks.

NEXT WAI MEETINGS: In Peterborough, UK, July 24 and 25.  Details to follow

CSS2:  "Cascading Style Sheets: Level 2" CSS2 was released as a W3C
Recommendation (a specification formally accepted by the W3C member
organizations) on May 12.  CSS2 includes a number of features which will
improve Web accessibility for users with disabilities once they are
implemented in browsers and authoring tools.  A description of CSS2
features which will improve accessibility is available at
http://www.w3.org/WAI/References/css2-access .  The CSS2 specification
itself is at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2 .

NPR:  The US-based National Public Radio "Science Friday" show on May 8
featured an hour-long discussion on Web accessibility, & technology &
disability generally.  An audio file is available at

GUIDELINES:  Please be on the lookout over the next week for drafts of the
following guidelines for WAI Interest Group comment: User Agent (first full
draft); Authoring Tools (first full draft).

EO WG:  The WAI Education & Outreach Working Group is planning
deliverables.  If you thought you had signed up for the group but haven't
gotten a mailing list welcome message, please re-visit the EO WG call for
participation which follows the charter at http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Charter
and contact jbrewer@w3.org

WAI CG:  The WAI Coordination Group (CG) is where WAI working group chairs
meet bi-weekly to coordinate their work.  We are looking for several
at-large representatives to participate in this group.  The commitment is
an hour-and-a-half meeting once every two weeks, with prompt turn-around
(within a day) on e-mail between meetings; and occasional face-to-face
meetings in conjunction with WAI meetings.  Please send nominations and/or
self-nominations by June 11 to jbrewer@w3.org, cc danield@w3.org; selection
will be by appointment by WAI IPO Director (Judy) & WAI Project Manager

BRAILLE STYLE SHEETS: The WAI Protocols & Formats Working Group (PF WG) is
setting up a sub-group within the overall PF framework, to propose
recommendations to the CSS and style properties working group, and to the
XSL working group, and to consider Braille use in other Web technologies as
appropriate.  Look for further info from the PF WG on this.

Judy Brewer   jbrewer@w3.org     617-258-9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355
545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139 USA

Received on Friday, 29 May 1998 00:53:48 UTC