Re: Seamless Accessibility (was Re: your mail)

Wendy A Chisholm wrote:

> WC:: Within the body of the OBJECT element, an author can provide as much
> text as they would like, or even alternative OBJECTs.  If the OBJECT is of
> type "image/gif" and the user wishes not to load graphics, then the content
> of the OBJECT could be displayed or the user agent could create a button
> that will cause the text to be displayed on request.  The user agent could
> do a number of things:  pop up a window with the description, include the
> description in-line, or however the user wants it presented (ala style
> sheets, user agent configuration, or whatever else comes about).  I think
> HTML has included the appropriate provisions for the user agents to do
> something interesting and useful.

  PA: Interesting. Could you provide sample HTML to show exactly how this would
be done? Thanks.

Received on Friday, 22 May 1998 11:14:00 UTC