Re: RIT - Javascript

At 12:28 PM 05/05/98 +1000, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>The point of a NOSCRIPT is to decribe a script.

LQ:: No, the point of NOSCRIPT is to replace a script, providing alternate
content when client-side scripting is disabled or the scripting language is
not supported (though popular browsers don't support NOSCRIPT with
unsupported scripting languages).

There is a key difference between replacing a script or object and
describing it.  We need to recognize this difference and make sure that we
have adequate methods of providing replacements and descriptions where
needed (hence my earlier message about OBJECT and LONGDESC).  Mixing
descriptions and replacements makes them less usable for user agents while
screwing my dream of seamless accessibility.

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Monday, 4 May 1998 22:57:58 UTC