Re: CAST Announces Bobby upgrade & Beta release of Bobby Application

Do we dare snub Bobby approval?
Well, fantastic though Bobby is, my personal view is that Bobby is _one_ 
of the tools that should be used to check pages. The cases raised (ALT="" 
and simple tables) are good examples of where Bobby can fail the 
accessibility-minded designer. The onus is then on the designer to know 
whether and why Bobby is right or wrong - particularly if you are charging 
money for your expertise. 

The use of tables to align graphics is not something I am very happy with 
anymore (I even took it out of my website today). The use of ALT="" is a 
generally bad thing, although there may be individual cases to be made for 
some uses. (I am thinking analagously to the use of ALT="*" for images 
used as bullets in lists, which seems appropriate to me.)

Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Saturday, 25 April 1998 00:07:36 UTC