RE: Kent State University's Solution

I really dislike the hard-coded carriage returns in the ALT attributes.  You
can never predict what will wrap and won't in a browser.

Internet Explorer 4.01 has an option to make sure the entire ALT text is
displayed, under the View Menu, Internet Options, Advanced, "Always Expand
ALT text".

Internet Explorer 3.x and 4.0 also supported this feature, but was
programmatically turned on by the presence of a screen reader.

Charles Oppermann
Program Manager, Active Accessibility, Microsoft Corporation
"A computer on every desk and in every home, usable by everyone!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Traenkner []
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 9:59 AM
To: Web Accessiblility Initiative
Subject: Re: Kent State University's Solution (images/tables) (text only)

jack wrote:
> Could you forward some representative URLs ?
> Thanks,
> Jack Hines

Nick Traenkner,	design manager 	     		 
Kent Infoworks
pobox 5190 Kent, Ohio 44242-0001

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 1998 15:44:00 UTC