Re: Be

[Jack Hines]
> Actually, the NT platform is a good candidate for a voice
> command/response driven OS, IF, IF Microsoft (c) would expose an API
> into the GDI module of the kernel !

I don't know if OS accessibility is on-topic for this list, but since
it came up...  Jessica Perry Hekman, author of _Linux in a Nutshell_
and RSI sufferer, is working to build interest in accessibility tools
for Linux, specifically focusing on a DragonDictate port.  An interest
list announcement is below:

> You are invited to join ddlinux, a list devoted to discussing means
> of realizing the goal of speech recognition for Linux. To subscribe,
> send mail to
> with the word "subscribe" in the subject.

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Received on Thursday, 9 April 1998 13:26:52 UTC