RE: webwatch-l What To Do About .gif Files

with all the high powered technology around, it is not inconcievable that
the coupons could be readily turned into something useable by those who
need text to understand them.  after, we are talking about advertising of
a sort here right?

On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Charles (Chuck) Oppermann wrote:

> Step back for a moment and ask yourself - "Why do they use an image in the
> first place?"  It's apparent to me that the image of the coupon is taken
> directly from the electronic pre-press the newspaper is using.
> Does anyone honestly believe that a free service will pay someone to read
> and type in the thousands of lines of text that appear in the coupons?
> Especially since the newspaper has already paid someone to enter the
> information initially into their pre-press system.
> Looking at just one coupon for "Arco."  There are two maps, 4 separate
> coupons, 6 corporate logos and (I'm guessing here) over a hundred words.
> That's just one entry that might have a lifetime of a week.
> If LONGDESC= was available, in this case, no one would take the time
> required to put the information in.  Access is not access if it's
> prohibitive to implement.
> Charles Oppermann
> Active Accessibility, Microsoft Corporation
> "A computer on every desk and in every home, usable by everyone!"
> 	-----Original Message-----
> 	From:	Al Gilman []
> 	Sent:	Tuesday, November 25, 1997 6:52 AM
> 	To:
> 	Cc:
> 	Subject:	Re: webwatch-l What To Do About .gif Files
> 	to follow up on what Kelly Ford said:
> 	> The Orange County Register, a newspaper out of Anaheim,
> California, has a
> 	> feature they call the Smart Coupon Book.  You can find the service
> at
> 	> 
> 	>
> 	> 
> 	> and when you visit you will be able to search through a number of
> coupons
> 	> offered.  The service seems to work quite nicely with the browser
> of your
> 	> choice until it comes time to browse the actual coupons.  Each
> coupon is a
> 	> .gif file that I'm assuming contains a graphical version of
> whatever the
> 	> given company is offering.
> 	[snip]
> 	> Kelly Ford
> 	>
> 	> See my home page at
> 	ASG: If a coupon-clipping example were used as an illustration of
> 	the new LONGDESC attribute, this would be a good explanation of
> 	why the new attribute is needed and would get the
> 	access-to-commerce issue before the web author community.
> 	On a longer time horizon, this scenario is also a good one for
> 	the Authoring Tool Guidelines team to consider.  These coupons
> 	are worth very little money, and are normally produced with very
> 	low-cost publishing setups.  The text defining the business offer
> 	needs to be captured on the way into the image, not as the image
> 	is reduced to a GIF.
> 	-- Al Gilman

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Received on Wednesday, 26 November 1997 08:50:59 UTC