ATAG action To write a note about what "not applicable" means and how to use it

(1) Add new sub-section to the "Conformance" section

Applicability of Success Criteria 
The ATAG 2.0 definition of authoring tool is inclusive, covering software with a wide range of capabilities and contexts of operation. In order to take into account authoring tools with limited feature sets (e.g., a photo editor, a CSS editor, a status update field in a social networking application, etc.), many of the ATAG 2.0 success criteria are conditional, applying only to authoring tools with the given features(s) (e.g., Success Criterion B.1.1.1 applies only to authoring tools that automatically generate web content after the end of authoring sessions).

If a conformance claim is made, a declaration that a success criteria is not applicable requires a rationale. 
[ed. This already the case, see Conformance Claims section]

(2) Add "applicable" with a link back to that sub-section from the conformance level explanations. For example, as follows:

Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance at Level A 
The authoring tool satisfies all of the @applicable Level A success criteria.
Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance at Level AA 
The authoring tool satisfies all of the @applicable Level A and Level AA success criteria.
Full ATAG 2.0 Conformance at Level AAA 
The authoring tool satisfies all of the @applicable success criteria.


Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 16:17:50 UTC