w3c-wai-au@w3.org from January to March 2001 by subject

01 March 2001 F2F meeting minutes (AU/ERT/WCAG)

06 February 2001 ERT/AU telecon meeting

Accessibility of web pages

Action Item: 1/9 - EDL Usefulness by Authoring Tool Development G roups

ACTION ITEM: Things that can be recognized in scripting lan guage for vieport control (fwd)

ACTION ITEM: Things that can be recognized in scripting language for vieport control (fwd)


Agenda for 1/16 Call

Agenda revision

Allaire / Macromedia rep to AU

Announcing France's Accessibility Site (Microsoft)

ATAG and Standard Code

ATAG review of Mozilla Editor

ATAG2 - remove 2.3

ATAG2 - remove checkpoint 3.3

AU in the subject line

AU meeting time move to noon Monday (boston time)

AU meeting, 12 noon Monday (Boston time)

Call for Papers: New international journal UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY

Call today and agenda

Call-In Capability for Plenary Sessions

Change of AU bridge instructions

Changing meeting times

Chat systems

CLARIFICATION [was: Re: No telephone access to face to face meetings]

Commercial toolkit looking for review/guineapigs (fwd)

compliance evaluation in progress

Correction [was: Re: New Charter - need to join group]


courseware examples

Cross-reference for accessibility APIs (fwd)

Face to Face AU meetings

Face to Face meeting Page up

Face to Face meetings

Flash accessibility efforts

Fwd: [webwatch] Leaving Out a Name

Fwd: ATAG version 2

GJR regrets (fwd)


Happy New Year - let's get underway...

Idea for organizing the techs


Improving the Techniques Document

Jan 23 Minutes (fwd)

Jan 9 Agenda

Lotus Domino and Accessible Tables (fwd)

Meeting Monday 26 March, 12:00 Boston time

meeting time move to noon Monday (boston time)

Meeting times

Meeting today postponed

Meeting tomorrow on SMIL

Meeting Tuesday

Minutes (fwd)

Minutes for today (fwd)

Minutes of today's meeting available

New Charter - need to join group

New Mailing list

new techniques draft

Next weeks meeting Tuesday the 13th.

No telephone access to face to face meetings

Notes from today's meeting

Please Reply to Proposed Meeting Times

Possible regrets

Possible regrets (partly)

Priorites of AERT techniques

raw minutes from 19 march 2001 AU telecon

references Re: Process/Procedure for Accessibility Testing of Software (fwd)


Regrets (was: RE: Teleconference Today: Theme Courseware Tools)

Regrets for next week's meetings

Regrets for tomorrow

REminder - Xtech list

Reminder, meeting TODAY (Monday!)

Scheduling (third) last call review for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (fwd)

Some image tools

Specific topic meetings...

Technique Reducing The Need For In-Your-Face URLs


Teleconference today

Teleconference Today: Theme Courseware Tools

testing, testing, 1 2 3.

Thematic Teleconferences

thursday is Face to Face Registration deadline


Today's XML discussion

Very rough notes on this morning's meeting

W3C QA Workshop (fwd)

WCAG issues on AERT

Web Authoring Tool Comments

Last message date: Friday, 30 March 2001 14:41:23 UTC