Re: History: Question on C14N list of nodes instead of subtrees

I've just had a chance to run some quick xpath document subsetting
tests (using xerces and the xalan xpath processor in a fairly obvious
manner, but I could be doing something nonoptimally):

Using the xmldsig XPath transform I transform a whole document
(URI="") through the following filter:
  <Transform Algorithm="&xpath;">

I ran this on three documents; the first (~20KB, quite flat):
  <Foo> ... <FooBarList>...</FooBarList> ... </Foo>

The second (twice the size, 1 element deeper):
  <Bar> <Foo> above.. </Foo> <Foo> above.. </Foo> </Bar>

The third (twice the size again, another element deeper):
  <Baz> <Bar> above.. </Bar> <Bar> above.. </Bar> </Baz>

The timing (in arbitrary units on a loaded machine, so take salt):
  2250 6177 20976

Using alternative xpath#include and xpath#exclude transforms:
  <Transform Algorithm="&xpath;#include">
      (//FooBarList//. | //FooBarList//@* | //FooBarList//namespace::*)

Timing on the same documents:
  1053 1538 2469

XPointer would be faster still (the expression being just //FooBarList,
IIRC). A hybridized XPath option &xpath;#include-subtree and
&xpath;#exclude-subtree could take the same expression.

It is unfortunately a bit late in the day for me to try a
here()-relative subset, which would be more interesting, as would be
independent numbers.


>Hi Joseph,
>Aside from it having REC status, I don't think it is a mistake for C14N
>to look at individual nodes of an XPath node-set, so changing that had
>not crossed my mind.
>I'm not in on the full conversation that's going on regarding some of
>these issues, but it sounds like some are finding speed issues when
>using an XPath transforms (though I wish it had been noted sooner
>considering the number of implementations, but better late than never).
>At least part of the problem is the current way we interpret the
>expression (e.g. as a PredicateExpr that we automatically apply to every
>node).  This seems to make things easier because everyone got to avoid
>writing (//. | //@* | //namespace::*) into virtually every expression.
>I had no aversion to this, but many felt it was cryptic.  Anyway,
>eliminating it seems to have gotten rid of the most efficient method of
>indicating a subtree.
>It did not seem that it would be a terrible speed problem to me because
>of my perceptions about limited depth of XML in most practical
>circumstances.  Moreover, perhaps it was good in that it put inclusive
>logic (include a subtree in signature) and exclusive logic (exclude a
>subtree from signature) on the same footing.
>However, if there is indeed a speed problem, then the XPath transform
>itself needs to be fixed.  I don't think I agree with creating another
>'intersect' transform for two reasons.  First, XPath is recommended, so
>we will continue to 'recommend' something that is inherently unusable
>for its stated purposes.  Second, what we need is more of a complement
>or subtract than an intersect.
>Finally, the 'stability' of the spec/implementations seems orthogonal to
>the issue at hand.  We have something that is approaching REC and
>recommends the use of an essentially unusable feature (we can't hang up
>servers for the length of time it sounds like this takes).  The fact
>that the near-REC hasn't changed in a while has no bearing on this, and
>I think we're obliged to fix things that we notice (albeit belatedly)
>are broken using our implementations (otherwise why require
>Best regards,
>John Boyer
>PureEdge Solutions Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Reagle []
>Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:17 AM
>To: John Boyer; merlin
>Subject: Re: History: Question on C14N list of nodes instead of subtrees
>On Friday 25 January 2002 11:44, John Boyer wrote:
>> Joseph, do you have any opinion on the ability to tolerate a change at
>> this point?
>The question is a change in what? Canonical XML is already a REC and
>be changed. xmldsig will be a REC in a couple of weeks but that's been 
>stable for so long it can't change either. My goal has been that
>be faster for subtree processing.
>As an aside, Don and I had a exc-c14n -> CR review meeting yesterday and
>still run into problems of people less familiar with the work assuming
>there is such a thing as a one-and-only-one form of Canonical XML -- 
>perhaps we should've call them serializations 1 2 and 3 <smile/>. 
>Regardless, my goal is for exc-c14n to be faster with some
>optimizations. (We've actually made this an exit criteria of the CR [1]
>and it reference Merlin's earliest speed tests on exc-c14n [2]).
>For example, originally the python c14n *only* worked over a DOM node so
>that was good for sub-tree processing and we then worked on extending it
>support XPath expression. If there is an XPath expression you have a hit
>performing the XPath expression and walking the whole dom tree, checking
>each node (and building ancestor context) against the subset to see if
>should be omitted. However, if you only passed it a single DOM element 
>node (representing a sub-tree) it serializes that subtree and walks up
>ancestors looking for xml:* attributes. My expectation/goal in exc-c14n
>that you don't have to even walk up your ancestors since you don't care 
>about that context. (Our implementation would fail at this -- I think --
>because we don't have a proper XPath nodeset with namespace axis with
>necessary ancestor context; they are treated as attributes. But an 
>implementation with a proper namespace axis node need only serialize the
>subtree (doesn't care about ancestor xml:*, and if the namespace is 
>utilized then the prefix/value is right there in that elements namespace
>axis node -- it need not look at ancestors at all!) So I think we're
>to end up with decent subtree c14n with exc-c14n.
>It doesn't solve any performance problems with respect to arbitrary
>filtering and I'm not sure if anything proposed in this thread would fix
>that ...? (I might've missed it, did you agree that Merlin's
>expression would be better?) So it's to say hard to say how that would 
>affect existing specs beyond, again, xmldsig is extensible so it could
>done if necessary.
>(see greyed out status)
>Joseph Reagle Jr.       
>W3C Policy Analyst      
>IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
>W3C XML Encryption Chair

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Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 04:40:18 UTC