Re: Draft IETF DeltaV Versioning

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 11:21:45AM +0100, Hartmut Warncke wrote:
> I totally agree! If you look, for example, at implementations of RFC2518 you will
> come to the conclusion that a lot of problems of the "realworld" WebDAV client
> server communication are caused by the fact that a lot of clients and servers do
> *not*  implement the DTD of RFC 2518 exactly because they don't have to.

Do you have some examples of infractions like this?

Or more close to home :-), have you seen any problems like this with mod_dav?
(because I'm unaware of them at this time, but would love to correct them if
they exist!)


Greg Stein,

Received on Friday, 1 December 2000 21:54:04 UTC