Mayank Kejriwal tomorrow in DKG/SWSA talk series !!

Dear all,

I am happy to remind you of the next talk in the online talk series [1]
of the COST Action on Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) [2], in
collaboration with the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) [3].

Tomorrow (January 31) at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST, Mayank Kejriwal
(University of Southern California) will talk about:

  Neurosymbolic Approaches for Robust Domain-Specific Semantic
  Search: Current Progress and Future Opportunities

With the advent of large language models (LLMs), previous state-of-the-
art performance has been exceeded on a number of difficult challenges
in the AI community, including commonsense reasoning, question
answering (and other rich forms of information retrieval), text
summarization, and computational creativity. Knowledge graphs have been
used to address some of these problems before. This talk will address
the question of whether, and how, knowledge graphs and LLMs can be used
synergistically in an important application in both industry and the
Semantic Web: domain-specific search. My thesis is that a neurosymbolic
approach can allow us to use the 'best of both worlds' in tackling this
challenging problem in a robust manner. I will discuss current progress
in this area in both my research group, and others, and outline the key
challenges and future opportunities still outstanding in this area.

Mayank Kejriwal is a research assistant professor in the Department of
Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern
California (USC), and a principal scientist in the USC Information
Sciences Institute. Prior to joining USC, he received his PhD in
computer science from the University of Texas at Austin. His PhD thesis
was awarded the SWSA Dissertation Award in 2017. At USC, he is the
director of the Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems group, and
is also affiliated with the Center on Knowledge Graphs and theAI4Health
initiative. His research has been published in international venues
such as ISWC, ESWC, Semantic Web Journal, Royal Society Open Science,
and several others. He is the author of four books, including an MIT
Press textbook on knowledge graphs that has been republished in several

The talk will be live streamed at our YouTube channel:

In addition to Mayank's talk, mark your calendars already for the
following upcoming talks in the talk series.

* Mark A. Musen (Stanford University)
"Semantic Technology in Science: Enhancing Data Stewardship in Support
of New Discovery"
March 4 at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST

* Peter F. Patel-Schneider
"Does the Knowledge Graphs Community care about semantics?"
April 17 at 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST 

Best regards,




Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 16:07:10 UTC