RDF 1.2

I follow the creation struggles of RDF 1.2 and keep being puzzled why people make life so difficult (to me, that is).


May I suggest something out-of-the-box?

Use N-ary relationships as Classes, with 2 to N relations (aka predicates or properties), as suggested on 12 April 2006 by Natascha Noy and Alan Rector in their W3C Working Group Note "Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web" - https://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-n-aryRelations/ 


When you see such a relationship Class as a representation of information, then its relations represent the roles played by the objects in that information.

That Class can have meta data, but can also be typed and specialized, and its semantics be defined.


Just a thought....

Received on Thursday, 15 February 2024 09:42:11 UTC