Conditional HTTP requests in read/write Linked Data


I'm implementing conditional requests in a read-write Linked Data API
and am looking for some existing material on the topic.

I have found a few previous posts on ETags but not much:

My understanding re. ETags for RDF responses is:
* strong ETags should be used on specific serializations of an RDF
document, e.g. as a tuple <hash(graph), media-type>. Not byte-for-byte
identical as triple order can differ for identical graphs.
* weak ETags should be used to indicate graph equivalence regardless
of the serialization, e.g. as hash(graph).

Just to illustrate this with some HTTP pseudo-examples (please ignore
any incomplete RDF syntax):

# Strong ETags

GET /foo
Accept: application/n-triples

200 OK
Content-Type: application/n-triples
ETag: "123-nt"

<http://s> <http://p> <http://o> .

GET /foo
Accept: application/n-triples

200 OK
Content-Type: application/n-triples
ETag: "123-rdfxml"

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://s">
        <http:p rdf:resource="http://o"/>

# Weak ETags

GET /foo
Accept: application/n-triples

200 OK
Content-Type: application/n-triples
ETag: W/"123"

<http://s> <http://p> <http://o> .

GET /foo
Accept: application/n-triples

200 OK
Content-Type: application/n-triples
ETag: W/"123"

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://s">
        <http:p rdf:resource="http://o"/>

We are using strong ETags in our system. I have a feeling I've tried
weak ETags as described above and they caused issues either with
browser caching or proxy caching, but I could also be making this

As for updating RDF documents, non-safe methods such as PUT require
strong ETags for conditional request validation (using the If-Match
header [2]).

Would you agree with my summary? Are you using conditional requests
with your Linked Data?
I'd be interested in others' experience on this topic, especially on
updating data.



Received on Friday, 9 February 2024 22:46:23 UTC