[CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Data Management for Knowledge Graphs (DMKG2024) @ESWC 2024

DMKG 2024
2nd International Workshop on Data Management for Knowledge Graphs co-located with ESWC 2024 in Hersonissos, Greece

*** Call for Papers ***

The rapid adoption of knowledge graphs over the past years, both in the open data domain as well as the industry, calls for novel data management solutions to accommodate the ever increasing amounts of data.

The growing interest in knowledge graphs, driven by popularity of semantic technologies, further highlights the need for scalable and efficient solutions for management of knowledge graphs in distributed, federated, and centralized environments.

After a successful first edition of the workshop in 2023, the DMKG 2024 workshop once again invites novel research and advances in scalable data management solutions for large-scale knowledge graphs. Such data management solutions include techniques for storage and indexing, partitioning for decentralized/centralized systems, archiving and versioning, validation with SHACL/ShEx, or federated data management. We welcome a broad range of papers including full research papers, vision papers, negative results, and system demonstrations.

The main goal of the workshop is to bring together both early-stage and established researchers as well as industrial partners in order to facilitate communication and collaboration between partners in different domains on the issues relating to scalable data management techniques for large-scale knowledge graphs.

We seek contributions covering all aspects of data management for knowledge graphs, including, but not limited to, the following topics:

Storage and Management
- Storing and indexing knowledge graphs
- Partitioning knowledge graphs
- Decentralized, distributed and federated knowledge graph storage
- Graph databases and NoSQL
- Archiving and versioning

Analytics and Exploration
- Knowledge graph validation (SHACL/shEx)
- Graph schema discovery and exploration
- Large-scale knowledge graph analytics (GraphX, Giraph, Pregel, ...)

Querying and Benchmarking
- Efficient query processing
- Distributed and federated querying over knowledge graphs
- Querying over streaming graphs
- Benchmarking data mangement systems for knowledge graphs

** Important Dates **

Paper submission: March 7, 2024
Notification of acceptance: April 4, 2024
Camera-ready copy due: April 18, 2024
Workshop: May 26 or May 27, 2024

** Submission Guidelines **

We welcome a broad range of papers to the DMKG workshop. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal, conference, or workshop. We welcome the following paper categories (page limits include references):

- Research papers (up to 12 pages): Papers presenting significant scientific research pertaining to the topics specified above.
- Short papers (up to 6 pages): Position papers, negative results and papers describing systems, libraries, APIs and datasets.
- Demo/poster papers (up to 4 pages): Papers demonstrating systems or scientific results not significant enough for a full research paper.

Papers must be submitted via the following Easychair instance:

More detailed formatting instructions can be found on our website:

Accepted papers will be published as Open-Access in the CEUR-WS series.

** Workshop Organizers **

Christian Aebeloe (Aalborg University)
Amr Azzam (WU Wien)
Olaf Hartig (Linköping University)
Katja Hose (TU Wien)

Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 08:03:57 UTC