Re: Does rdfs:superClassOf (or equivalent) exist?


On 30/10/2023 21:25, Chris Mungall wrote:
> I'm afraid you can't have it both ways, both forms are semantically 
> "about" odrl:Policy in the same way, regardless of whether or not you 
> use an inverse property.

Both forms are NOT 'about' odrl:Policy - one has it as the subject and 
the other as an object. So in a declarative sense, they are two distinct 
triples. The equivalence comes only after we interpret 
superclass/subclass as being inverse relations. RDF as a directional 
graph has both as nodes, but the direction of the edge matters.

> (for "aboutness" I am going with the OWLAPI's definition, but YMMV)
> There is an interesting sociotechnical aspect to this, regarding the 
> norms for making assertions about other people's resources. The fact I 
> can assert whatever superclasses I like about schema:Person in my own 
> graphs is a feature of RDF, but individual communities may have norms 
> and guidelines about best practices for doing this in a way that avoids 
> unhappiness and chaos. This has been a challenge for OBO, where 
> originally it was the norm for anyone to say anything about anything, 
> but we are slowly converging on a "no semantic injections" policy: 
> <>
> Of course, syntactical or structural sleights of hand in flipping the 
> asserted direction of axioms don't help if the entailment remains the 
> same :-)

Thanks for pointing to the OBO issue.
In this case, wouldn't having superclass relation be desirable for OBO 
to filter out external declarations i.e. OBO graphs can declare OBO 
concepts are superclasses/subclasses of internal/external concepts, but 
external graphs cannot have any triples with OBO concepts as subjects. 
They can have their concepts be subclasses of OBO concepts. This is 
similar to what I has in my last example about having 'control' over 
concepts within a graph.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Monday, 30 October 2023 21:45:19 UTC