[CPF] 3rd Call for Papers ONTOBRAS 2023 - 16th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil

[CPF] 3rd Call for Papers

ONTOBRAS 2023 - 16th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil

(held with the  14th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology - ICBO

August 28 to September 01, 2023, Brasília – DF, Brasil


The Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (ONTOBRAS) aims to bring
together the community of researchers and students investigating Ontology
in Computer Science and Information Science, as well as professionals in
the information industry, providing opportunities and a scientific
environment to exchange knowledge on theories, methods, languages and tools
for ontology engineering and experiences in applying ontologies to solve
various problems.

ONTOBRAS aims to expand and strengthen the Ontology community in Brazil,
through the exchange of experiences among researchers, students and
professionals, and by encouraging proximity between Academia and Industry,
allowing cutting-edge solutions designed in these environments to influence
real applications in different sectors.

Additionally, students whose research regards ontologies will have in the
Doctoral and Masters Consortium on Ontologies (WTDO) a tailored opportunity
to discuss their proposals with experts and receive feedback to advance
their works.

This year, ONTOBRAS will be held with the 14th International Conference on
Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2023) <https://www.icbo2023.ncor-brasil.org/>.

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit theoretical, technical,
and practical research contributions that directly or indirectly deal with
the topics of interest presented in the call for papers. Papers ranging
from philosophical and theoretical foundations to new technologies and
innovative applications are welcome.


Main Track

Submission Deadline:  June 04, 2023

Author notification: : July 07, 2023

Camera ready: July 21, 2023


Submission Deadline:  June 11, 2023

Author notification: : July 07, 2023

Camera ready: July 21, 2023


Topics of interest for ONTOBRAS 2023 include, but are not limited to:


   Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling:


   Ontological foundations for conceptual modeling and metamodeling

   Foundational and upper ontologies

   Semantic consistency

   Ontology-based conceptual modeling tools and environments


   Ontologies and knowledge organization:

      Facet Theory and Theory of Concepts

      Terminology, Folksonomies, Thesauri, Taxonomies, Metadata

      Documentary languages

      Knowledge discovery and reasoning

      Knowledge representation and management

      Ontology governance

   Ontology Engineering:

      Methodologies, techniques,practices, languages and tools

      Composition and modularity

      Interoperability between ontologies, integration, mapping and

      Ontological language interoperability

      Ontology patterns and anti-patterns

      Ontology evaluation and validation

      Integration problems, practices and methods

      Ontology Enrichment and semantic enrichment

      (Semi-)automated ontology development

   Semantic Web:


      Information retrieval

      Ontology-based search

      Linked open data (LOD) applications

      Ontology and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

      Linguistic ontologies applied to text processing

      Computational linguistics

      Access, integration and exchange of data based on databases and
      ontologies on the Web

      Knowledge graphs (construction, maintenance, reasoning) and virtual
      knowledge graphs

      Social and human aspects of the Semantic Web

   Ontology Applications:

      Ontology for e-science, life sciences, e-business, multimedia and
      cultural heritage

      Domain ontologies (Education, Health, Smart Cities, Government and

      Ontology-driven information system design

      Ontology-driven business modeling

      Ontology tools: construction, reasoning, evaluation

      Data management and FAIR principles

   Ontologies and data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence

   Ontology Visualization

The complete call for papers, containing details for paper submission, are
available on the ONTOBRAS website  (https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/ontobras/).


General Chairs

Luan Fonseca Garcia (UFRGS, Brazil)

Rita Berardi (UTFPR, Brazil)

Local Chair

Fernanda Farinelli (UnB, Brazil)

Program Committee Chairs

João Rebelo Moreira (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES, Brazil)

WTDO Chairs

Amanda Damaceno de Souza (FUMEC University, Brazil)

Claudenir M. Fonseca (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Publicity Chairs

Amanda Damaceno de Souza (FUMEC University, Brazil)

Jordana Sarmenghi Salamon (UFES)

Jordana Sarmenghi Salamon
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFES <http://portal.ufes.br/>
Mestre em Informática - Informática - UFES <http://www.informatica.ufes.br/>

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2023 20:08:45 UTC