Re: Ian Horrocks on May 17 in DKG/SWSA talk series

Dear all,

Here is a reminder of next Wednesday's talk by Ian Horrocks in the
DKG/SWSA online talk series (details below). The talk will be streamed
in the following Youtube channel.

Best regards,

On Mon, 2023-04-24 at 04:49 +0000, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce the next talk in the online talk series [1] of
> the COST Action on Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) [2], in
> collaboration with the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) [3].
> On May 17 at 18:00 CEST / 12:00 EDT / 0:00 CST, Ian Horrocks
> (University of Oxford) will talk about:
>   "KR and the Semantic Web: What We Did Right (and Wrong)"
> Synopsis: 
> Augmenting the web to include some form of Knowledge Representation
> (KR) was one of the first directions for Semantic Web research and
> led to the development of the OWL KR language(s) and the SPARQL query
> language. In this talk I will recall the development of these
> languages and their genesis in foundational research, highlighting
> what I believe were the many good design decisions as well as a few
> not so good. I will then go on to trace the development of KR systems
> and applications based on these technologies and argue that this
> represents a significant success story for Semantc Web research.
> Bio: 
> Ian Horrocks is a full professor in the Oxford University Department
> of Computer Science, a visiting professor in the Department of
> Informatics at the University of Oslo and a co-founder of Oxford
> Semantic Technologies. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society, a
> member of Academia Europaea, a fellow of the European Association for
> Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), a Fellow of the Alan Turing
> Institute and a British Computer Society Lovelace Medalist. His
> research concerns the representation of knowledge, and the efficient
> manipulation of such knowledge by computers. He played a leading role
> in establishing the Semantic Web as a significant research field,
> pioneering many of the underlying logics, algorithms, optimisation
> techniques, and reasoning systems. He has contributed to the
> development of several widely used reasoning systems including
> FaCT++, HermiT, Elk and RDFox. He has published more than 300 papers
> in major international conferences and journals, winning best paper
> prizes at KR-98, AAAI-2010, and IJCAI-2017, and test of time awards
> at ISWC-2013, KR-2020 and CADE-2021. He is one of the UK’s most
> highly cited computer scientists, with more than 59,000 citations,
> and an h-index of 99.
> Details on where the talk can attended will be announced closer to
> the event.
> Best regards,
> Olaf
> [1]

> [2]

> [3]


Received on Friday, 12 May 2023 07:20:53 UTC