2 PhD positions targeting semantics in conversational AI

The Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University is seeking 2 highly
qualified PhD candidates to join our research team and pursue
groundbreaking research in the field of Conversational AI. The successful
candidate will be responsible for developing new techniques and
methodologies to enhance the accuracy, precision, and trustworthiness of
conversational AI systems. The research will involve research in large
scale data and service integration, neurosymbolic reasoning, predictive
modelling and explainable AI, and human-AI collaboration.

1.  PhD in Trustworthy Conversational AI using FAIR Data and Services

2. PhD in Integration of distributed heterogeneous data and knowledge to
enable trustworthy AI

Deadline for applications is July 31, 2023. See posts for more details on
the positions and application procedure

Michel Dumontier
Distinguished Professor of Data Science
Institute of Data Science <http://maastrichtuniversity.nl/ids>
Maastricht University

Received on Monday, 24 July 2023 10:14:48 UTC