CfP: Neurips 2023 "ROAD-R Challenge"

Call for Participation

ROAD-R 2023: the Road Event Detection with Requirements Challenge

@NeurIPS2023 Competition Track Program

NeurIPS 2023 will be held at the at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial
Convention Center, Sunday Dec 10 through Saturday Dec 16, 2023.


Short description of the challenge:

The ROAD-R Challenge provides participants with a unique dataset consisting
of 22 long videos annotated with road events. Further, a set of 243
requirements expressing hard facts about the world is provided (e.g., "a
traffic light cannot be red and green simultaneously").The challenge
consists of two tasks, and participants can take on either of them, or both!

*	In the 1st task, participants have to develop the best-performing
model using only a subset of the annotated data. This encourages leveraging
the background knowledge expressed by the requirements to facilitate
training on the unlabelled portion of the dataset.
*	In the 2nd task, participants have to create systems whose
predictions adhere to the provided requirements. This presents a fascinating
challenge where AI systems must not only detect road events accurately but
also ensure compliance with human-level requirements.

Important Dates:

Challenges open for registration: June 13, 2023

Training and validation data release: June 13, 2023

Test data release: August 15, 2023

Deadline for results submission: September 30, 2023

Announcement of results: October 7, 2023

Link to website:  <>

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 09:33:51 UTC