[CFP] [ICBO 2023] Invitation to Speak at the 1st Ontology for Infectious and Immune-mediated Disease Data Science

Dear Researcher Community,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of
the organizing committee, I am pleased to extend an invitation to you to be
a speaker at this year's ICBO
<https://www.icbo2023.ncor-brasil.org/index.html> workshop of Ontologies
for Infectious and Immune-mediated Disease Data Science (OIIDDS)
<https://bit.ly/OIIDDSworkshop> held at Brasilia University in Brazil on
August 29, 2023.

Over the past 15 years, the OBO Foundry community has developed multiple
immunology and infectious disease ontologies. There is, however, a growing
need for better coordination and integration strategies across these
efforts, as well as improved strategies for identifying gaps in existing
domain coverage. The objectives of this workshop include evaluating
existing ontologies and KGs, showcasing their use in data integration,
identifying challenges and gaps, and strategizing solutions for obstacles
to ontology reuse in the domain of infectious and immune-mediated diseases
and biological mechanisms.

We invite you to share your insights, experiences, and strategies for the
workshop by submitting a 1-2 page extended abstract *before the July 23,
2023 deadline* via the Google Form <https://bit.ly/OIIDDS-submission>. In
addition, the workshop organizers are in discussion with the JBMS journal
for a special collection on this topic. Selected presentations will be
invited to submit to the journal special collection.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not
hesitate to reach out to asiyah.lin@axleinfo.com.

Warm Regards,

Workshop organizers: Asiyah Yu Lin, Alexander Diehl, John Beverley, and
Lindsay G. Cowell



*Asiyah (‘a-‘see-ya) Yu Lin, MD. PhD.*

 Senior Data Scientist

 Office of Data Science


 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), NIH

 Email: Asiyah.Lin@nih.gov

5601 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852

Received on Monday, 3 July 2023 16:31:32 UTC