[Call for Papers] IKGRC@IEEE-ICSC2024

Call For Papers:

The Second International Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge (IKGRC 2024), in conjunction with The 18th IEEE International Conference on SemanticComputing (ICSC 2024<https://www.ieee-icsc.org/>)

Feb 5 - Feb 7, 2024
Laguna Hills, California
Format: Hybrid event

Conference website: https://ikgrc.org/2024/
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ikgrc2024
Submission deadline: December 20, 2023

"The Second Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge" aims to develop safety technologies for older adults by providing a standardized dataset of knowledge graphs and videos. This year's task focuses on extracting statistical information on interactions with actions and objects that lead to risks in daily life.

Challenge Goal:

To ensure the safety of older adults at home by developing technologies that can detect accident risks and provide safer alternatives using a standardized dataset.

Challenge Task:

Participants are provided with video data transformed into knowledge graphs, detailing daily life actions in VirtualHome. The task is to extract statistical information on risky interactions with actions and objects. We have prepared 70 scenarios and eight specific questions to be answered using the provided data. The data is available on our GitHub repository.( https://github.com/KnowledgeGraphJapan/KGRC-RDF/tree/kgrc4s<https://github.com/KnowledgeGraphJapan/KGRC-RDF/tree/kgrc4si>i )

There are two divisions for entries:

* Phase 1 (for beginners): Answer questions using the complete knowledge graph.

* Phase 2 (for advanced): Answer questions using partially anonymized knowledge graphs or videos.

For detailed task information, visit https://ikgrc.org/2024/application.html.


* Submit a short paper (2 pages minimum, IEEE format   ( https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html )) outlining your approach by December 20, 2023. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the ICSC. Submit via EasyChair   (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ikgrc2024 ).

* If accepted, send materials explaining your system, tools, and ideas  (formats: .doc, .pdf) by January 22nd, 2024, to kgrc@knowledge-graph.jp.

* Present your work with a demonstration at the workshop. Prizes will be awarded to the best entries.

Evaluation Criteria:

* Accuracy rate, technical ingenuity, method of inference, expanded knowledge.

* Evaluation based on the submitted paper and presentation on the day.

* Peer review planned for the event day.


For inquiries, please contact kgrc@knowledge-graph.jp (SWO SIG, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence).

Shusaku EGAMI, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher, Data-Knowledge Integration Research Team,
Artificial Intelligence Research Center,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
2-4-7 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064Annex, AIST Tokyo Waterfront
E-MAIL: s-egami@aist.go.jp

Received on Monday, 11 December 2023 10:18:17 UTC