Future Proofing of "rdf:type" Considering HTTP and HTTPS

As you are well aware, the "rdf:type" property is part of RDF Schema,
helping us specify the class or category to which a particular resource
belongs. The current URI for "rdf:type" is based on the HTTP protocol, but
as the web continues to evolve, many websites and schemas are transitioning
to HTTPS for increased security.

For instance, I recall that Schema.org made the switch from HTTP to HTTPS a
while ago. This made me wonder about the future-proofing of "rdf:type" and
its continued relevance in the face of potential protocol upgrades.

Specifically, I have the following questions:

   1. How future-proofed is "rdf:type" given its dependency on the HTTP URI?
   2. What would be the potential implications if the "rdf:type" property
   were to change from HTTP to HTTPS?
   3. Are there any possible steps that can be taken to mitigate this
   change when working with the semantic web today.

thoughts and guidance on this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Received on Monday, 17 April 2023 13:19:27 UTC